No Matter Your Style, ResNexus Will Work for You!

Lodging Software

No Matter Your Style, ResNexus Will Work for You!

Lodging Software

ResNexus lodging sample website
5 white stars


"We would, and have, recommended this software program and the company to many others in our industry....Thank you!"


"We would, and have, recommended this software program and the company to many others in our industry....Thank you!"


Lodging Overview

ResNexus Grid

Organize Your week in Just a Few Minutes

Reservation Grid

The ResNexus reservation grid highlights all reservation activity for 30 to 90 days at-a-glance. This makes blocking out rooms easy. Need to change a reservation room or date—simply drag and drop your existing reservation to where it needs to go.

Making a complex reservation is not only possible, but a breeze.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus shows in real-time exactly which rooms and nights potential guests are trying to book from your online reservation system.

ResNexus Grid

Organize Your week in Just a Few Minutes

Reservation Grid

The ResNexus reservation grid highlights all reservation activity for 30 to 90 days at-a-glance. This makes blocking out rooms easy. Need to change a reservation room or date—simply drag and drop your existing reservation to where it needs to go.

Making a complex reservation is not only possible, but a breeze.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus shows in real-time exactly which rooms and nights potential guests are trying to book from your online reservation system.

ResNexus Calendar


Reservation Calendar

The ResNexus reservation calendar displays full reservation details at-a-glance for up to 31 days.

You can see the reservation total, who has checked in, who has checked out, who has paid, whether it is their birthday or anniversary and even if it's a surprise reservation!

What's unique about ResNexus?
Each ResNexus user can determine how much detail to display in the reservation calendar. Most users like to see as much detail as possible; others like to keep it simple.

At-a-Glance Full Reservation Details

Reservation Calendar

The ResNexus reservation calendar displays full reservation details at-a-glance for up to 31 days.

You can see the reservation total, who has checked in, who has checked out, who has paid, whether it is their birthday or anniversary and even if it's a surprise reservation!

What's unique about ResNexus?
Each ResNexus user can determine how much detail to display in the reservation calendar. Most users like to see as much detail as possible; others like to keep it simple.

ResNexus Calendar
Confirmation Emails

Save Time and Communicate Clearly with Confirmation Emails

Confirmation Emails

Businesses that manually create confirmation and informational emails waste hours each day with tasks that are streamlined in ResNexus. Save time by creating confirmation email templates.

Brand your business with custom confirmation emails. Include reservation details, maps, directions, links to social media and activities in your area.

Increase your guest return rate by automatically sending out holiday and anniversary marketing emails.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus collects anniversary and birthday dates right from the start, making it easy to automatically keep in touch with your guests in the future.

Confirmation Emails

Save Time and Communicate Clearly with Confirmation Emails

Confirmation Emails

Businesses that manually create confirmation and informational emails waste hours each day with tasks that are streamlined in ResNexus. Save time by creating confirmation email templates.

Brand your business with custom confirmation emails. Include reservation details, maps, directions, links to social media and activities in your area.

Increase your guest return rate by automatically sending out holiday and anniversary marketing emails.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus collects anniversary and birthday dates right from the start, making it easy to automatically keep in touch with your guests in the future.

Front Desk


Front Desk

Your business has a lot of dynamic elements ranging from checking-in arrivals to delivering room service. Having powerful front desk software helps prevent mis-communications and keeps your guests happy.

Whether you're checking guests in or out, managing stay over's, taking payments or delivering roses to the appropriate room, ResNexus front desk software simplifies it all. At-a-glance your front desk will see everything involving housekeeping, room status, turnovers, early arrivals, early departures, and any notes entered into Housekeeping.

What's unique about ResNexus?
It's extremely easy to know if a guest is a return-guest or not. Welcome them back with confidence.

We Help you Manage your Arrivals, Departures, & Stay Over's

Front Desk

Your business has a lot of dynamic elements ranging from checking-in arrivals to delivering room service. Having powerful front desk software helps prevent mis-communications and keeps your guests happy.

Whether you're checking guests in or out, managing stay over's, taking payments or delivering roses to the appropriate room, ResNexus front desk software simplifies it all. At-a-glance your front desk will see everything involving housekeeping, room status, turnovers, early arrivals, early departures, and any notes entered into Housekeeping.

What's unique about ResNexus?
It's extremely easy to know if a guest is a return-guest or not. Welcome them back with confidence.

Front Desk
ResNexus Housekeeping

Keeping Rooms Clean & Ready


Your guests rarely see all of the preparation that takes place before they arrive. Fresh towels and sheets don't just magically appear. Having easy-to-use housekeeping software helps your business run smoothly and effectively.

ResNexus Housekeeping makes it easy to track details like, which rooms need to be cleaned or turned over, how long a guest is staying, when guests are arriving and departing and how many guests to expect. Your room status information is available to all of your staff making it simple to see at a glance what's done and what's left to do.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus automatically marks rooms as dirty when a guest departs. Both the front desk and housekeeping manager can record turnovers and housekeeping notes to clearly communicate cleaning instructions.

ResNexus Housekeeping

Keeping Rooms Clean & Ready


Your guests rarely see all of the preparation that takes place before they arrive. Fresh towels and sheets don't just magically appear. Having easy-to-use housekeeping software helps your business run smoothly and effectively.

ResNexus Housekeeping makes it easy to track details like, which rooms need to be cleaned or turned over, how long a guest is staying, when guests are arriving and departing and how many guests to expect. Your room status information is available to all of your staff making it simple to see at a glance what's done and what's left to do.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus automatically marks rooms as dirty when a guest departs. Both the front desk and housekeeping manager can record turnovers and housekeeping notes to clearly communicate cleaning instructions.

ResNexus Reports



Businesses need reports to run operations, pay taxes, make adjustments, and uncover powerful insights. Successful business owners know how to gather and interpret the data they have.

ResNexus has over ten reporting categories and over 65 reports about occupancy, revenue, taxes, payments, marketing efforts, reservations, retail and operations.

Having and using this data can bring power and control to your business. Often, making a minor adjustment based on analyzed patterns and data can net huge gains.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus has easy-to-study reports that show you behaviors and patterns in your business.

Analyze & Navigate your Business with over 65+ Reports


Businesses need reports to run operations, pay taxes, make adjustments, and uncover powerful insights. Successful business owners know how to gather and interpret the data they have.

ResNexus has over ten reporting categories and over 65 reports about occupancy, revenue, taxes, payments, marketing efforts, reservations, retail and operations.

Having and using this data can bring power and control to your business. Often, making a minor adjustment based on analyzed patterns and data can net huge gains.

What's unique about ResNexus?
ResNexus has easy-to-study reports that show you behaviors and patterns in your business.

ResNexus Reports
"I sincerely appreciate Reservation Nexus' commitment and desire to work with me a small 19 room b&b as well as listen to my needs. I've found service much improved after my change from GDS to MyAllocator and the ResNexus' staff makes a point in making sure I'm getting the help I need if I need it."
5 white stars

Amy B.


Amy B.

"I sincerely appreciate Reservation Nexus' commitment and desire to work with me a small 19 room b&b as well as listen to my needs. I've found service much improved after my change from GDS to MyAllocator and the ResNexus' staff makes a point in making sure I'm getting the help I need if I need it."


More Time & Freedom

Sometimes it may feel like your business runs you. ResNexus empowers you with more hours in the day by streamlining operations. Upgrading to ResNexus puts you back in control of running your business.


More Time & Freedom

Sometimes it may feel like your business runs you. ResNexus empowers you with more hours in the day by streamlining operations. Upgrading to ResNexus puts you back in control of running your business.


More Time & Freedom

Sometimes it may feel like your business runs you. ResNexus empowers you with more hours in the day by streamlining operations. Upgrading to ResNexus puts you back in control of running your business.

Marketing and Branding

The Lifeblood of any Lodging Enterprise

ResNexus helps with your marketing and branding efforts. From email campaigns to a new website, ResNexus does it all!

Marketing and Branding

The Lifeblood of any Lodging Enterprise

ResNexus helps with your marketing and branding efforts. From email campaigns to a new website, ResNexus does it all!

Marketing and Branding

The Lifeblood of any Lodging Enterprise

ResNexus helps with your marketing and branding efforts. From email campaigns to a new website, ResNexus does it all!